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This month’s significant number: 3.90% - DFSIN - SFL

This month’s significant number: 3.90%

That is the added value, on average, that an advisor brings to an individual investor. 

October 13, 2023

According to recently published research, in 2022, Canadian full-service advisors provided their clients with an average additional return of 3.90%. During this rather nerve-racking year for investors, input from an advisor showed itself to be especially useful in terms of managing emotions and behaviours. 

The annual study, now in its eighth year, is carried out by Russell Investments. It shows that added value also comes from:  

  • a customized client approach;  

  • family wealth planning;  

  • effective tax advice; and  

  • active rebalancing of portfolios. 

This study joins many others from recent years that have shown the benefits of advisory services when it comes to investing. So feel free to call on your own advisor to take advantage of this added value!