Yves Regnier - DFSIN - SFL

Yves Regnier
- Conseiller en sécurité financière
- Représentant en épargne collective*
Régnier dans vos finances
Partageant depuis près de 10 ansla réussite financière de mes clients, j’ai toujours valorisé des relations à long terme, basées sur la confiance et l’honnêteté. Je me fais un devoir de proposer une stratégie financière inspirée de vos besoins réels, de vos valeurs et de votre budget.
Mon rôle consiste à bien vous connaître pour cerner efficacement vos objectifs et vos besoins en matière de sécurité financière et vous proposer des stratégies et des produits appropriés à votre situation. Tout ceci, bien entendu, en respectant vos valeurs, vos priorités et votre budget.
Ma vision des services-conseils est simple; développer une relation solide à long terme et ne jamais perdre de vue ces valeurs qui motivent mon engagement :
- Honnêteté
- Proximité avec le client
- Confidentialité
- Solidité de l'entreprise
Des compétences reconnues
Je me fais un devoir de mettre constamment mes connaissances du domaine de la sécurité financière à jour, par l'obtention d'unités de formation continue, de manière à toujours offrir des conseils pertinents et d'actualité qui pourront vous aider à réaliser vos projets les plus précieux.
Je profite de l'occasion pour vous faire part de mon implication et de mes responsabiltés sociales dans la communauté de Métabetchouan-Lac-à-la-Croix. Le Club Lions et le Comité de financement de l'école Mgr Victor en font partie. Ces deux projets se veulent une mission personnelle.
L'appui de partenaires solides
J'ai choisi de m'associer avec SFL, un important réseau de distribution de produits et services financiers qui m'offre tout le soutien nécessaire pour répondre efficacement aux besoins de ma clientèle. Faisant partie de Desjardins Sécurité financière, premier assureur de personnes au Québec et un des leaders au Canada, SFL et sa contrepartie hors Québec Desjardins Sécurité financière Réseau indépendant, comptent plus de 1 200 représentants partenaires et plus de 40 centres financiers, répartis d'un océan à l'autre.
Grâce à l'appui d'une équipe dynamique et au soutien de spécialistes des domaines connexes au secteur financier, je suis en mesure de vous offrir tous les services et concepts fiscaux susceptibles de vous convenir.
Histoires vécues de clients
Taillon Régnier Services Financiers inc.
cabinet de services financiers
801, boul. Marcotte
Roberval (Québec) G8H 2A2
*T : 418 275-2372
F : 581 473-0231
Backed by a team of experienced professionals, which may include financial planners, notaries, lawyers and tax experts, I'll do more than a basic review with you — I'll consider every aspect of your financial security, including:
- Establishing a personal budget
- Reviewing your investments
- Evaluating any insurance needs
- Determining if you can reduce your taxes
- Planning your retirement
- Understanding your estate wishes, and any legal matters
After this process, I'm certain you'll have a clear picture of your finances, perhaps discovering opportunities you never thought were available to you.
Your life is constantly changing: having a family, buying a home, changing jobs, facing health issues, transferring your business, planning your retirement. That's why I will make sure your financial strategy is in step with your reality, while growing your assets and maintaining your quality of life.
We will rely upon the comprehensive review of your situation and your goals that we undertook together to guide us through good times and bad. No matter what life has in store for you, you can always count on me. I'm in your corner, always there to help you stay the course and push your limits. Together, we'll do more.
My professional practice is characterized by the values I hold dear:
- Integrity and loyalty
- Availability and independence
- Professionalism and skill
- Exceptional service
I bring these values to every relationship in my practice.
When it comes to my practice, discipline is always my top priority. I've completed the necessary licensing requirements and always pursue professional skills and training so that I can put the latest industry knowledge to work for you. SFL Wealth Management ensures strict adherence to professional standards, obligations and regulations.
I decided to work under the banner of SFL Wealth Management, one of the largest distribution networks of financial products and services in Canada, because I have access to many different financial companies. This allows me to make objective recommendations that are best suited to you and your situation.
SFL Wealth Management is a partner of Desjardins, the leading cooperative financial group in Canada, which gives my network proven financial stability and unmatched support.
Research has shown that there's real value in financial advice and that it provides an undeniable advantage to investors.
- Households that have had an advisor for 15 years or more accumulate 290% more in assets (3.9 times more) than households that haven't1.
- Households that have an advisor have 2.1 times more financial assets than households that don't2.
- Investors that have an advisor are more confident and more likely to have a comfortable retirement if they've received financial advice for at least 10 years3.
- Advisors can help investors manage their emotions, which can add approximately 1.5% to portfolio returns4.
SFL Wealth Management and its counterpart out of Quebec and New Brunswick, Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network, form a network of financial product and service distributers that focus on wealth management. We personalize our service offer to meet your changing needs. No matter the goals you set or the unexpected situations you face, the independent advisors affiliated with our network can help you develop a financial strategy. You can count on the stability of Desjardins, the leading cooperative financial group in Canada, the support of a multi-disciplinary team of financial professionals and their freedom to choose from the best offers available in the market.
1 © 2016, Claude Montmarquette and Nathalie Viennot-Briot, The Gamma Factor and the Value of Financial Advice, https://www.cirano.qc.ca/files/publications/2016s-35.pdf.
2 Jon Cockerline, PhD., New Evidence on the Value of Financial Advice, IFIC, 2012
3 IFIC. The Value of Advice Report, 2012.
4 VANGUARD. The Added Value of Financial Advisors, Toronto, 2014 and IFIC/POLLARA Inc. Canadian Mutual Fund Investors' Perceptions of Mutual Funds and the Mutual Fund Industry, Toronto, 2013.